Getting Started with Sort

Easily add your Snowflake or Postgres database connection to Sort

1. Create your organization

Database connections are bound to organizations in Sort. Create an organization (for yourself or your company) before adding a new database connection.

2. Add your database connection to your organization

After your organization has been created, you may add a database connection for Postgres or Snowflake.

  1. Visit the "Settings" tab on your organization.
  2. Click 'View Database Connections'
  3. Click 'Add'
  4. Choose 'Postgres' or 'Snowflake'
  5. Add database connection details, test and/or save the connection
  6. After the database connection has been successfully added, database schema must be imported:
    1. Find the database connection in Settings -> Connections
    2. Click 'Edit'
    3. Click 'Import Schema'

3. Navigate to your databases

Click 'Databases' within your organization, any databases part of the database connection just added should appear here.

Click on a database to start exploring data and getting started using Sort!